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View in-depth performance of a single language model on a single test suite.

Region-by-region surprisal
Sample item for ORC with gap and no gap
sujet1 verbe1 cmp1 that sujet2 aux verbe2 gap/noGap test cmp2
Item Condition sujet1 verbe1 cmp1 that sujet2 aux verbe2 gap/noGap test cmp2
1 ORCpl_gap Roland smiles o the offenders that the policeman has been investigating secretly for a month.
1 ORCsg_gap Roland smiles o the offender that the policeman has been investigating secretly for a month.
1 ORCpl_noGap Roland smiles o the offenders that the policeman has been investigating him secretly for a month.
1 ORCsg_noGap Roland smiles o the offender that the policeman has been investigating him secretly for a month.
Prediction performance for RNNG on ORC with gap and no gap
50.00% ((688,ORCpl_gap/9,test) < (690,ORCpl_noGap/9,test)) No description provided.
58.33% ((689,ORCsg_gap/9,test) < (691,ORCsg_noGap/9,test)) No description provided.