Viewing tag Long-Distance Dependencies

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Test suites tagged with Long-Distance Dependencies
  1. Cleft Structure
    • The pseudo-cleft construction involves (i) an extraction of a targeted constituent from a sentence and (ii) a constituent that provides the semantic contents of the targeted constituent and must match it in syntactic category, where (i) and (ii) are linked by the copula. The pseudo-cleft construction can target both NPs and VPs; in the latter case, the VP of the free relative becomes an inflected form of "do". This means that a free relative plus the copula can set up a requirement for the syntactic category that comes next. If the free relative clause has a "do" VP without a direct object, then the main-clause postcopular predicate can be a VP. Otherwise, the postcopular predicate must be an NP.
  2. Cleft Structure (with modifier)
    • The pseudo-cleft construction involves (i) an extraction of a targeted constituent from a sentence and (ii) a constituent that provides the semantic contents of the targeted constituent and must match it in syntactic category, where (i) and (ii) are linked by the copula. The pseudo-cleft construction can target both NPs and VPs; in the latter case, the VP of the free relative becomes an inflected form of "do". This means that a free relative plus the copula can set up a requirement for the syntactic category that comes next. If the free relative clause has a "do" VP without a direct object, then the main-clause postcopular predicate can be a VP. Otherwise, the postcopular predicate must be an NP.
  3. Filler-Gap Dependencies (3 sentential embeddings)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
  4. Filler-Gap Dependencies (4 sentential embeddings)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
  5. Filler-Gap Dependencies (hierarchy)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
  6. Filler-Gap Dependencies (object extraction)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
  7. Filler-Gap Dependencies (extraction from prepositional phrase)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
  8. Filler-Gap Dependencies (subject extraction)
    • A filler-gap dependency can be created by extracting any of a number of elements from a subordinate clause, including subjects, objects, indicrect objects (argument structural NPs) and NPs nested in a prepositional phrase. These possibilities serve as the basis for several test suites on filler-gap dependencies. We require that a model successfully pass a two-part criterion for each item in the filler-gap dependency tests: the wh-filler (such as "who" or "what") should make the unextracted filled argument structure more surprising when they exist, and should make the post-gap material less surprising when the argument structure NPs are gapped.
Results for Long-Distance Dependencies