Viewing test suite Negative inversion

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Items for Negative inversion
fronted_phrase next nextnext verb
Item Condition fronted_phrase next nextnext verb
1 neg_inversion never have I been happy
1 neg_normal never I have been happy
1 pos_inversion perhaps have I been happy
1 pos_normal perhaps I have been happy
2 neg_inversion no support in the house has the bill that the senator likes found
2 neg_normal no support in the house the bill that the senator likes has found
2 pos_inversion support in the house has the bill that the senator likes found
2 pos_normal support in the house the bill that the senator likes has found
3 neg_inversion only if he were very drunk would he do a keg stand
3 neg_normal only if he were very drunk he would do a keg stand
3 pos_inversion if he were very drunk would he do a keg stand
3 pos_normal if he were very drunk he would do a keg stand
Predictions for Negative inversion
Formula Description
((692,neg_inversion/2,next) < (693,neg_normal/2,next)) No description provided.
((695,pos_normal/2,next) < (694,pos_inversion/2,next)) No description provided.
Results for Negative inversion
No results are available yet for this test suite.